DuVal High School Athletic Sponsorship! Thanks to Rini Moses, our Evangelism Committee Chair, Glenn Dale UMC has a place on the tee-shirts that will be given to the students who participate in the athletic program at DuVal High School this fall season. GDUMC is one of only a handful of organizations with an ad on the back of this year’s tee-shirt; the ad is on the back page of today’s bulletin, and the shirt itself is on display in the Narthex. This is one of many ways that our church will seek to partner with area schools and organizations in the season to come, and to get our name out there for all to see!
Planting Beds! Thanks to Gil Clark and his grandson Connor, along with Roger Ridenour and Geraldo Lourenco, all the 6 x 6 timbers have been cut to size and permanently installed on the north, south and east sides of the buildings. These enlarged planting beds were filled with mulch by Judith Swan and her team on Saturday. Thanks to the hard work of these volunteers the Garden Ministry now has an expanded canvas on which to plant their floral works of art. Glenn Dale is a beautiful place to be, inside and out!
Choir Stoles! Now that our Glenn Dale Choir is back in its accustomed worship leadership role, new choir stoles have been purchased to replace the older ones that had become worn with age. The new stoles are reversible: one side is all ivory with a subtle pattern of Greek crosses (all arms of the cross the same length); the side shown in the accompanying picture is a color called chianti, with an ivory border. The cross shown in this view is the Latin or Roman cross (the descending arm of the cross is longer). The tradition of a robed choir developed out of the academic and judicial practice of wearing special garments to identify those with special roles. In addition to imparting dignity and distinction to the role of music leadership, choir robes also symbolize the unity achieved when individual voices come together to become one chorus of praise.
Ladder Height! Recently Glenn Dale UMC purchased a new combination extension/step ladder, one that provides a reach height up to 23 feet. This is useful for changing the light bulbs high above us. The ladder is not shown in the picture below, but a view from the top gives a lofty glimpse of the Sanctuary we now occupy on Sunday.
Rain Leaders! Now that spring has sprung, our dedicated Garden Ministry team is back at work pruning and planting new plants in the flower beds that beautify our lovely church. In anticipation of the installation of future timber borders to define these planting beds, low-profile rain leaders from the downspouts have replaced the old, deteriorated ones.
Kitchen and Choir Robes! Thanks to a dedicated crew of volunteers, our kitchen is now cleaner and ready for action as as soon as we return to our regular post-worship coffee hour refreshments. Thanks to Tom & Sheila Dalton, Beth Stepowany, Roger & Martha Ridenour, Yvonne Lourenco and Ricky Hall for applying a little elbow grease to the windows and countertops to make them sparkle.
Thanks to Kay Smith and daughter Michelle, the robes our choir uses have also received a thorough spring dry cleaning from Eastgate Cleaners. Soon after Easter these robes will be filled with friends who will fill our worship with the sounds of their beautiful voices.
Hymnals! Last week Ricky Hall, Roger & Martha Ridenour, Nancy Watson, Beth Stepowany, and Yvonne Lourenco dusted off the hymnals and put them back in the pews in anticipation of congregational singing on Easter Sunday. Many of these hymnals had been well-loved over the past decades, the sign of a church that loves to sing. Hymnals that were in some disrepair have been replaced with brand new ones, ready for another generation of praise with the great hymns of our faith. If you would like one of the old hymnals that have been replaced, they are available on the Visitor Desk. Please take one for your personal use and make a joyful noise to the Lord!
Flowers! Thanks to the hard work of Judith Swan and the landscaping team last year, spring is bringing beauty to Glenn Dale UMC straight from God’s good earth. On a cold and wet day late last fall Ariel Dean helped plant dozens of flower bulbs by the front doors of the church. Look how the seeds of promise sown long ago are now bearing fruit!
New doors! Thanks to the initiative of the Trustees and the craftsmanship of G.H. Clark Contractors we now have brand new exterior doors to the kitchen and boiler room. Time and weather had caused significant damage to the old doors. With these latest improvements Glenn Dale UMC is now more secure against the elements and even more beautiful to behold!